
Press Release: June 15, 2020

A Major Biblical Archeological Discovery

In both scholar and lay circles, a great debate has been going on about whether our current Bible accurately reflects the original compositions. Some people, such as Daniel Wallace, a conservative scholar at Dallas Theological Seminary believes that careful textual analysis can reveal the Biblical authors’ divinely inspired first draft. Others, such as Bart Ehrman, a University of North Carolina professor, argue that the oldest copies of Christian scripture are so inconsistent and fragmented that the original words are beyond recovery. At stake for many is the evidence that the Bible conveys the word of God.

Scripture scholar, Robert North believes that he has resolved the problem and more. He has discovered what he calls, “The Biblical Rosetta Stone.” It is the compilation of the lost literary rules that Biblical and other Semitic authors used to organize their works. He calls their system: “Semitic Parallelism.” With it, ancient Semitic writers imbedded in their compositions both a way to correct later scribal errors, and an internal dictionary and commentary.  

North discovered that when we use Semitic Parallelism to read Semitic texts, we can determine with a high degree of accuracy what copyists have inserted and deleted after an author completed his composition. Also, we can know the author’s meanings for words, phrases, and sections of text, which often differ radically from present interpretations. And finally, we can know his divisions of the text—which are not the chapter and verse sections currently in our Bibles and other Semitic works.  

North believes that the discovery of Semitic Parallelism will revolutionize the study of the Bible and other mid and far-Eastern ancient literature. “At first, I thought that this form of literature was employed only by Semitic peoples,” he stated. “Then, I found that Buddha used it. So it was a wide-spread, ancient methodology that seems to have been invented and employed most by the Semites.”  

To teach Semitic Parallelism, North published a workbook entitled, “The Semitic Secret.” It illustrates how much we have misinterpreted parts of the Bible and the Gospel of Thomas.

In his second book, “The Second Coming of Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus,” North applied Semitic Parallelism to the Garden of Eden story, to the Abraham saga, and to Buddha’s and Jesus’ wisdom poems. Through that process, he reveals that the authors of the Garden of Eden and Abraham stories, Buddha, and Jesus taught the same “Way” to emotional and spiritual health. This ‘Way,“ North argues, is first, largely unknown to most people today, and second, it is the only way to resolve religious and most other conflicts. It does that by providing an alternative to “we good people live the truth and you bad people don’t” thinking.

Further, in this book, North presents the evidence that

  • Adam and Eve did not sin when they ate the forbidden fruit but when they put on clothes,
  • The Garden of Eden story contains the secret to living a fulfilled life,
  • Abraham’s Covenant does not give Jews or any other people title to the current land of Israel,
  • There are no Abrahamic religions,
  • Moses and King David broke Abraham’s Covenant,
  • Paul the Apostle founded Christianity and not Jesus,
  • Much of the Bible should be read as allegories and not as historical narratives,
  • Jesus would not endorse Christianity or any organization that indoctrinates people with official, standardized personal ways to think and act, and that
  • Religion promotes and sanctifies racial, gender, theological, and other forms of discrimination.

 “I came to these unexpected conclusions,” North said, “By simply using Semitic Parallelism to reveal the clues that Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus left in their compositions to explain their insights.”

In a review, Dr. Barrie Wilson, former Chair of and Senior Scholar in the Department of Religious Studies at York University wrote, “Dr. North’s expose of Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus’ Way comes together in a clear and lucid fashion in this engaging book.”

Further details about these discoveries can be found at

Robert North is an ex-Jesuit, Scripture Scholar, with a Ph.D. in Counseling. He can be reached by email at 

A recent article in The Atlantic explains the debate about the authenticity of our current
