The Apocalypse and the Messiah


“I was raised in a strict Baptist (fundamental Christian) environment. There, clergy and my parents taught me what to believe and how to act. In my Ph.D. Counseling program, I learned to develop myself with only responsible regard for what others believed or how they acted. Instead, professors taught me how to become independently more in love with myself and others.

Then, I met Robert North and read his book, The Apocalyptic Messiah. In it, he extensively quotes Jesus and Paul the Apostle. I was surprised to learn that Paul fit perfectly with my Baptist upbringing, and Jesus would have been an excellent instructor in my Counseling program.

I highly recommend this book to those who are open to Jesus as a therapist and not as a theologian. He taught a highly developed, extraordinarily insightful, seemingly unknown theory of personal development that goes beyond that enunciated by people like Freud, Jung, Maslow, Rogers, and other mental health practitioners. You may find what you seek.”

John R. Greene, Ph. D. Retired

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