The Two Ways to Live

Robert W. North, PhD

Dr. Robert North is a Scripture Scholar with a Ph.D. in Counseling. On this site, his books show that many ancient texts such as the Bible and the earliest Buddhist writings, as well as more recent esoteric books such as the Course in Miracles and Urantia present two conflicting ways to live. The short chart below explains the two ways. It can be used by anyone to determine which “Way” they seek for fulfillment and personal development. 

The Dogmatic Way 

Of the Traditional Jesus, Most Religions and People Today

(As Stated by Paul, the Apostle, and Theologians)

The Inspired Way 

Of the Original Jesus, Mystics, and Few People Today

(As Stated in Jesus’ Parables & Sayings)

There is divine, human, animal, and plant life. Plants, animals, and humans possess the same divine life at various levels of evolution.
People need to believe dogma, to obey laws, and to observe rituals to be good (or saved).   Primarily use inspiration to be guided to be one’s divine, fulfilled self. 
People primarily need authorities (clerics, theologians, parents, professors, politicians, therapists, etc.) to tell them dogmatically how to think and act.  People primarily need to be empowered to use inspiration to discover their own answers for being more the divine self that they are.
When a person faces a decision and his clergy, scriptures, family, friends, bosses, and his own reasoning say, “go right,” and his inspiration says, “go left,” he goes right.  When a person faces a decision and his clergy, family, friends, and his own reasoning say, “go right,” and his inspiration says, “go left,” with forethought he goes left.
People develop character by possessing steadfast faith in blind beliefs. For example, people should blindly believe in God. People should analyze their experience and form tentative beliefs. They, then, modify those beliefs as their understanding of their experience changes. For example, people should not believe in a God that they do not experience. 
Truth is 2D, that is, it is the same for everyone no matter his level of personal development.Truth is 2D, that is, it is the same for everyone no matter his level of personal development. Truth is 3D, that is, as one grows, his perception of what is personally true changes. For example, Hitler perceived himself and others one way. Jesus observed himself and others differently. So, one lives and knows the truth by being more one’s divine self. 
One grows by finding and steadfastly believing in accepted dogmas. One grows by suspending all previous dogmas to be open to one’s inspiration that will reveal ever-more true descriptions of oneself, others, and the natural laws.
It is good for people to ego-identify with their things, friends, family, money, traditions, country, job, and faith. When people ego-identify with their things, friends, family, money, traditions, country, job, and faith, they do not identify with their divine selves.
When people ego-identify with what is not them, they unconsciously ignore, distort, and create facts to defend and promote their false selves.  People are themselves with no false ego-identities to defend or promote; so, without bias, they easily discover and tell the truth.
People who defend and promote their ego-identities love others on the condition that they support their false selves. People unconditionally love others while guarding themselves against those defending and promoting ego-identities.
People needing ego-identities are divided within themselves and between themselves and others with different ego-identities. This creates internal tension, anxiety, worry, regret, and sadness, and hatred of those who do not support their false selves. People without ego-identities possess unity within themselves and between themselves and others. This creates internal peace, and joy, and love-guardedness of all, even of their enemies.
People need reward and punishment systems to ensure their conformity with official group/tribal doctrine. People are taught to recognize the natural consequences of not being their love-guarded selves.
People believe that letting people develop their own subjective personal truths will lead to chaos and immorality. Indoctrinating people with personal and universal truths creates uncritical, enslaved humans who worship authorities and their doctrines as false gods.
People need authorities to define the nature of God and how they are to relate to that Being.  People continually reexamine and redefine their relationship with God, if they choose to have one.
People believe that only special people such as prophets, saints, and clergy can communicate with God.  People are encouraged to have back and forth conversations with God.
All happens through luck and coincidence except when God intervenes.  Be stillness-in-motion to be inspired to take the next perfect step.
A roller-coaster emotional life is normal. When it happens, seek relief in distractions. When upset, face the painful emotions until one’s inspiration reveals both how one created the upset, how to be here and see the situation over there, how to love-guard it all, and how to live differently. (This is the true meaning of “forgiveness).
Takes vows. Vow to be love-guarded of all and make all other vows and pledges secondary. 
People experience people and events primarily as either “bad” or “good.”  People experience people and events primarily as “perfect-as is,” and secondarily, as evoking “bad” or “good” options.
Jesus called indoctrinating organizations, "the world," "darkness," and "death." Jesus called his message: the “Way,” the “Kingdom,” “light” and “life.”
Conclusions: Conclusions:
World peace will happen when everyone believes and acts as “my” tribes and “I” do, or when everyone tolerates the dogma of others that they have been trained to regard as “untrue” and “evil.”  World peace can happen when the majority of people are on the Inspired Way.
Jesus was a religious theologian, cleric, or zealot. Jesus was an observational therapist. 

* Many on The Inspired Way recognize three kinds of love:
1. Naïve Love: One loves another without clearly discerning the other person’s limitations. When one does that, he sets himself up for being disappointed and/or for being manipulated. (Also called Naive Forgiveness). 
2. Guarded Love: One is careful to love or never loves because he is aware that another can hurt him. This person may demand perfection before loving. He also may have difficulty being intimate.
3. Unconditional Love-Guarded: One affirms the unique but common soul-life of another, and at the same time, guards oneself and others against those not practicing love-guardedness. (Also called, Real Forgiveness)


To Learn More about the Original Jesus' Message and How It was Misinterpreted/Hidden, Click Here Jesus' Original Gospel

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