
We anticipate that the Way of Wisdom will be taught all over the world, because it unites everyone within and without all religions. At first, therapists and cutting-edge, revolutionary clerics and former clerics (including Nuns, Brothers, and Church and Temple leaders) will be starting Way of Wisdom centers. We will see churches, temples and garages transformed into Way of Wisdom centers.

In Phase Two, the Way of Wisdom will begin to be taught in schools, because it does not indoctrinate people with dogma. In other words, it does not teach a religion. Rather, it is a method developing people of evolved, fulfilled, wise character.

This web site will enable leaders to register their Way of Wisdom Centers in their community. Each will have a page on the site, or a link to an outside site.

People will then, be able to find them. Further, we will enable people to use the site to give feedback about each Center. That will enable people to choose the center most appropriate for them.

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